The Grimsholm lightning protector is connected to the robotic lawnmower's signal cable and helps the thunder to find ground in a safe way instead of searching for ground through the sensitive electronics in the robotic lawnmower's charging station.
This version is intended for robotic lawnmowers without guide cables or with a maximum of one (1) guide cable. If you have two or three guide cables in your installation, we instead recommend the product Lightning protection for the robotic lawnmower's signal cable - double, which supports up to 3 guide cables in addition to the boundary wire.
The lightning protection has been tested together with many robotic lawnmowers and is i.a. compatible with:
This product protects the robotic lawnmower from transients that can occur through the boundary wire, which is a common damage to robotic lawnmowers during thunderstorms. The lightning protection does NOT replace the need to also have lightning protection for the house electricity network that protects electronic appliances connected to electric outlets.
Robotic lawnmowers for commercial use on very large green areas at e.g. airports, parks, football pitches and other large installations are not always 100% compatible with this product. In installations where boundary loops over 1,000 meters are used and where the mower's output signal level is adjustable, problems can arise.